Functional Literacy Intervention Programme (Phase II)

FLIP is an intervention programme that is offered to students who have completed Phase I, or to students who are identified by the College Teaching Staff as having spelling and reading deficits.

Phase II of FLIP extends phonemic and phonological skills, but also incorporates more whole word and morphemic spelling approaches, in addition to spelling exceptions and irregular spellings. It is intended that the commercial programme Spelling Mastery Level E will be delivered over the course of the year in conjunction with a reading programme.

The Heather Harvey Intensive Reading Programme has been selected to facilitate the transference of spelling skills to reading, and reading for meaning. One programme of the Heather Harvey Programme (B) will be delivered and completed within the year, with a primary focus on increasing reading fluency, accuracy and comprehension. There will be a shift from the functional literacy focus of Phase I, to a critical literacy focus in Phase II of the programme.

Students who participate in FLIP will need to make a commitment to improving and remain in the programme for the entire year.


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